In America, the number one cause of bankruptcy is high medical expenses. Many people struggle financially when an unexpected medical issue arises. Don’t get caught up in a web of financial hardship, secure your future with an individual family health insurance plan. If your employer doesn’t offer you a health insurance plan or if you’re unemployed or are a student, individual family plans offer coverage to you under the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, and can be purchased through private, federal, and state online insurance exchanges. Health insurance covers most of the out-of-pocket expenses you encounter with medical conditions such as routine checkups, illnesses or injuries. Give yourself and your family an easier way to navigate health challenges.

These policies work by taking a set amount of money each month, also known as premiums, to be put towards any healthcare costs you may face in the future. Individual family plans vary from state to state; however, most plans will cover preventive services without copayments, deductibles, or coinsurance requirements. Preventive care is also covered, including immunizations recommended by the CDC, preventive care recommended by the HRSA, and certain women’s services and screenings. Open enrollment for health insurance starts November 1, 2022 in most states. Your family may also qualify for a special enrollment period if you experience a qualifying life event, such as a loss of health coverage, changes in household or residence etc.
By purchasing an individual health insurance plan, you give yourself one less thing to worry about when it comes to your health. Don’t be overwhelmed by the number of options for individual family insurance, our team of independent insurance agents based in Cary, NC and Durham, NC at Morgan & Allen will walk you through everything you need to know, providing you assistance with any question you may have about health insurance. Our services are at no additional cost to you, so get in touch with us today!